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4 min read
The Celebration of a Lifetime
A "wedding for days" sounds like quite the party-- and it is! Jaipur has been one of the most culturally exhilarating parts of my trip so...

2 min read
When Christianity No Longer Means Jesus
There is a global misunderstanding. And that misunderstanding is this... "Christianity means Jesus." Now, there was a time-- I like to...

3 min read
Divorcing Tradition
How to Deal with Changing Mindsets- and why that is OK. Often we feel like our traditions and the ways in which we were raised are as...

3 min read
Your Cowardly Lion
It all starts small... like this tiny kitten I met in Bali, who is too freakin' cute! We've all seen The Wizard of Oz, right? Dorothy...

3 min read
A Gift to Yourself: Immersion
"It does the mind good to get away" Truth: It is not just a good idea to escape and detox at times, it's actually very important to the...

4 min read
In Sight, In Mind: Travel Tuesday 1
"Travel board on the wall, where's the best destination of them all?" Pictured above is an actual shelf in my apartment. Come to think of...

5 min read
Warning: This Blog Post is Personal.
Sitting here looking at this blank screen, there are so many things I want to say. So many ways I want to express my thoughts. The...

3 min read
Ode to the People
Friends from around the world. (Photo with the beautiful Silvia, both inside and out) Rural Tamesis is a place that pushed me. As the...

4 min read
Buddhist Blessings (and Hidden Charges?)
I would guess Buddhists don't really fly either. You know when you are driving down the road, and someone in another vehicle does...

4 min read
A Clumsy Cow at the Yoga Barn
... and now I'm comparing myself to farm animals. During my stay in Bali, more specifically Ubud, I made a point to visit the famed Yoga...

2 min read
Reflections: A Morning in Gianyar
Personal Unedited Journal Entry 05.04.16 “The sun has just began to peek, still low and glowing from the earth’s horizon. I sit on the...

3 min read
Untamed Joy.
I love to laugh until I cry. There are many different types of people that I love in this world. I love people who can pour insight and...

3 min read
Loosen Your Grip.
I was once told, "It's not about the shoes you wear, it's about how you wear them." Christmas has always been, and continues to be, my...

1 min read
From an Apartment in Queens, NYC.
This is my first (NEW) blog... I've tried this blogging thing a few times now. I'll do it for a while, and then I'll quit. BUT, when you...
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